The Future of Mobile Search Marketing

In the past few years it is evident that mobile internet usage has vastly exceeded desktop internet browsing although surprising that 60% of Australia’s leading businesses don’t have a mobile-friendly website. The desktop version of your website should be readable and useable on a mobile device, enabling your consumers to quickly find information about your […]

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Does your Business Need Pinterest Marketing?

Social media engagement is a powerful tool in marketing for your business. Pinterest is a social media platform based mostly on images and generates more traffic than YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn combined. As millions of social media users scroll the site to share images on a regular basis, your business is missing out on potential […]

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4 Ways to use Social Media in PR

Are you wondering how you can incorporate social media in your public relations strategy? It is clear that social media has drastically changed the PR world and is an important tool used to interact and connect with clients and customers. Instead of sending out press releases and waiting for the media to publish your story, […]

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