Twitter Marketing Techniques for your Business

Have you started a Twitter account for your business but don’t know how to make it successful? Twitter is a great social media platform to allow your company to communicate with your customers and leave a lasting impression on your audience with 140 characters. Here are some essential Twitter marketing techniques to use for your business that will help your account take off.

Tweet a mix of original content, personal content, images and retweets to ensure that your audience does not lose interest. Sharing personal content will show your followers that your business has a personality and posting images will break up the clutter of text and will help to capture the attention of your target audience. Don’t just promote your own content, retweeting other links relevant to your industry will create a more interesting profile and drive engagement.

Engage with your audience by retweeting and replying to their tweets. Make conversation and be social with your followers by asking them questions and responding to their queries to help form customer relationships. Replying to retweets and mentions will build authority and trust as conversations with your audience help your profile look less promotional and more welcoming.

Your competitors have the same interests as you and therefore you will share the same followers. Undertaking research and seeing what they are up to on their profile will help your business to succeed as you can discover trending hashtags and engaging conversations relating to your business.

You may find it helpful for your business to use a scheduling software for your tweets. Scheduling your Twitter content can save time, however be sure to check back on your profile as much as possible to respond to your followers and be able to other retweet live content.

Lastly, don’t neglect your profile, take advantage of background images and profile images to express your brand by creating custom images for your profile. Be creative and use your header photo to further promote your logo, website or products.

Here at Clarity marketing and Communications, we can help you with any of your social media marketing needs. Call us on 1300 060 204 or submit an online enquiry to find out how we can determine the post appropriate online marketing strategy for your business.